Message to my mommy

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Monday, August 11, 2014

Free country?

Last night I was very bored and I made it clear to mommy that I was bored. So she put the leash on me and took me out. When we were on the porch, she said "Boonie, today we'll go where ever you want to and you can do what ever you want." So I was naturally happy. I hopped down the stairs. The ground was wet and cool from the rains and the breeze made the leaves fly and we chased the leaves for barely a few seconds when she started off - "Boonie, no you are too close to the edge, you will fall off" or "Boonie NO do not chase that widdle boy and scare him" or "Boonie... DON'T DRINK FROM THE PUDDLE ITS DIRTY WATER" or "Boonie don't run across the street there be cars coming" or "Boonie don't go under the bushes, it's dark and there be snakes". Where is the "Where ever you want what ever you want" part here? I really don't get it. Mommy is bonkers, she is! *Pouts*