Sissy fussing over Tinda |

Lots of things happening around here. Tinda, mommy's and daddy's favoritest kitty has been missing from quite sometime now. I'll tell you about Tinda and her gang of kitties-the little rascals sissy and I would like to call them. Their cat mummy used to frequent our house and I hated the sight of her as she used to hiss at me and smack me across the face and all that. Then she had kittens and daddy got them all in a sieve. My I had never seen anything tinier except for the rat in the shoe rack.
The big cat with the kittens |
The little rascals sun bathing |
One day I heard a lots of mews outside the kitchen door. The big cat had got the very very tiny kittens with her and they were all mewing outside the door. Mummy was very excited and she gave them all lots of milk much to my displeasure. I told her not to, but she wouldn't listen to me. The cat and her babies came home every morning and night. The mews were pretty annoying I must say. By and by the cat left the kittens and went to find greener pastures. The kitties lingered on mewing day and night. I wanted to have a closer look at them but mom was scared if I might eat them up, the way I did to the crow hee hee.
There was this tiniest of the kittens - mom named her Tinda because the kitty's face looked like a Tinda ! My my! She was the most charming of al the kittens and no matter how big the other kittens grew, this one remained dwarfed. And mom fussed over her all the more because of that.
The second mom would try opening the kitchen door, they'd all tumble inside. Sometimes they sat on the window sill and watched mummy cooking or tease me from there since they knew i couldn't climb that high grrrr !
All of a sudden, couple of weeks ago, Tinda goes missing. She hasn't come back to this day. One of the other kittens got adopted sometime ago (we think). Mom was and I guess is still pretty worried about Tinda. She keeps calling sissy and telling her that she just wants to see Tinda once to know that she is hale and hearty. Whatever !
Pssst... one of the other kittens is pregnant now. So that means more annoying mews to come shortly grrrrr
How do I climb the window now !! |
oh and the other day, one of the kittens sneaked in to the kitchen and I chased him up the shoe rack. He hissed and snarled at me and I barked my head off and then mommy had to come and carry me away to another room while this fella escaped. i think he was the same guy who was sitting on the window sill the other day, didn't realise the window was open and fell onto the work area HA HA HA too bad i missed it.
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