Message to my mommy

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Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Good Boy

 I love that word, "Good Boy". Mummy calls me a good boy when ever I do something nice or not do something naughty. And I feel so nice when she calls me that, my ears fall flat on my head and I wag my tail and smile at her when she calls me a good boy. I am a good boy most of the time, I guard the house by barking at anyone who enter my neighbor's house and smile and greet people who enter my house, even if they are not welcome, I bark at empty streets especially when mommy tries to sleep, I am house broken but I still try and pee on the couch when she goes out so when she enters, she comes home to doggy room freshner, I try to chase the cats away, I chase pigeons, I beg for food even if I have just eaten and I jump on her bed soon after my walks with my dirty paws. She loves me a lot and I love her more because I am her Good Boy.


  1. lovely lovely dog, so cuddle-some :)

  2. i wanna meet u dolu!! :D *hands a treat for him*

    1. *takes the treat, runs, eats it on daddy's shoe, comes back and licks Raji aunty's hands for more*

  3. That beautiful funny face-he deserves a treat. Wallace will get one in his kong-he demands it but that's ok

  4. Oh. What a really 'good' boy you are, Dolu! Hehe..
