Message to my mommy

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Tuesday, April 1, 2014


They are here, I can hear them all the time. The tiny little mews that come from the backyard accompanied by mommy's and daddy's croonings and baby talks. Ugh! Why? One cat wasn't enough? They had to have a bunch of babies too? That ONE cat is solely responsible for the 4 other minions that have occupied my house and my people's attention. Its not that I hate them or anything. I want to be a part of all the excitement too. I love babies. They are so tiny and helpless. But somehow my hoomins and the mama cat don't trust me. I wonder why. Sometimes daddy would lift me up and show me the kittens curled up in their box , then the mama cat would get hostile and start hissing at me. I never knew what that meant, she was probably cursing under her breath or something.

One day someone forgot to lock the backyard door. I was minding my own business, sniffing around in the kitchen. Just as I was about to hoist my leg on the garbage bin, I noticed the door sway in the breeze. I looked around stealthily. No humans in sight. I walked towards the door and peeped out. They were all there, out of their boxes, playing and rolling around. They were so wee and tiny, like little balls. I made a dash for them... I wanted to play with them too. I even tried lifting one up, but that wriggly thing got away (its fur stuck up for a long time afterwards tee hee). Then the mama cat came running and hit me hard on my face and mom and dad came running and picked me up and took me away inside. I was only trying to be their fun uncle Dolu. Either no one speaks dog in my house or they are scared of my big white furry frame.

So then anyways, a few days after that, the kitties were shipped off to one of our cousins' much to my relief. So, there! Mission Kitty Riddance ACCOMPLISHED!!

The mama is still around but I think she is tolerable, except when sissy comes home. Then I have the urge to hoist my leg on everything, including my sissy.


  1. Even as I write this, the mama cat is giving birth to her litter outside my door. They are such cuties.

  2. Woah! Poor you...I understand. Speaking Dog is not every person's bone, you see. But happy that all is well.

    Cute story :D

  3. Nice Story....Makes me almost want to have a Dog...almost :)

  4. In our house it would be the kittens who would be dismayed... there are just so many dogs here! Maybe you need some help around there Dolu?

  5. Yes definitely, when the next batch of minions strike. Maybe I should go on a vacation somewhere until they are re-homed. Sigh! What's a poor puppy to do

  6. At my inlaws place dogs and cats stay and yes not in harmony :) I remembered it all :)
    cute one

    1. Fudgie, the earlier kitten was my bestest friend. I wanted to be friends with these guys too..

  7. Woof-woof I hear you Dolu. Dogs rule, don't they? :D

  8. Great pictures - nice use of perspective

  9. Adorable kittens! Ever since I came to the house Mom has been saying she has not made friends with a single if it's MY fault!


  10. Thank you everyone for hearing me out. Wil be posting more of my musings today.

  11. Oh my. This is such a cuuuuute post. Aww..... I love you Dolu! And I know you only wanted to be the loving Uncle Dolu. :D :D

  12. yes... anyways they are gone now. And I have mommy n daddy all to myself most of the time. So all's well that end's well

  13. So cute! I love the way you express yourself Dolu - typical doggie style. So sad that kittens refuse to play with you. But cats are extremely snooty - same as my Simba :)

  14. This blog site is to funny and totally made my day!
    mikaylinrocks@ A to Z challenge
