Message to my mommy

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Wednesday, April 2, 2014


Sissy got me that burger as a gift when she went to Seattle. I couldn't believe it was for me. She squeaked it in my face and I grabbed it and ran and hid behind daddy. But she did not chase me. It was mine all MINE! I love that burger so much. I had it with me at all times. I held it in my mouth so no one took it away, and when I was eating or drinking water, the burger was near my paws at all times. I even slept with it near my nose so if anyone tried to take it, I could snap off their hands. I didn't even chew it up for A WHOLE WEEK and that is a LOT for a chew freak like me. However, a week later, temptation got the better of me and I chewed the squeak thingy out first. It made no noise after that. Then I started chewing off the sides. Mom said it was made of soft plastic and if I swallowed it up, I might choke. So she took it away when I went for my walk one evening and hid it somewhere I can never find :( 


  1. Awww.. Now Dolu, don't you know better than to chew your toys?! Hehe.. You have a friend in luci. But she won't chew anything that squeaks, as long as it squeaks. But then she loses them in holes she has dug up and then I have to get her a new one.

  2. ooh lucky Luci. Mom doesn't let me dig holes. Maybe I can come play with her and we could dig holes together

  3. I am sorry you had to lose the burger in the end, but at least you had a good week with your special toy.
    Visiting from AtoZ

  4. Another favourite game to try is skinning a tennis ball - mum goes mad at the little bits of bright yellow fluff everywhere!

    1. Oooh that is fun too. Daddy stopped buying tennis balls. He only buys rubber ones now.

  5. Chew chew chew-my Wallace will eat everything so no toys for him-He even ate his kong!

    1. Wally.... you can come play with whatever's left of mine tee hee hee

  6. Never has there been a tale of more woe, than Dolu and the hamburger. Fun post.

  7. Awwwww...Dolu I was waiting to read you. Chew toys are fun noo? I wish you sniff out the burger soon. Woof Woof!

    1. Mummy is very smart, she hides it inside her iron cupboard where my nose can never get through. Cruel cruel mummy

  8. Oh, man. This was so cute I think I've gotten a sugar high.

  9. Tell your mom you need another burger:) Nice to meet you....

    1. I did, she said she will get me a real one if I behave - and by behave she means not chasing the kitties and not peeing in the garbage bin and on the couch. Looks like its a long wait
